Tuesday 9 October 2012

The Ring Opening Scene Analysation

The Ring: Horror Cliche's

The Ring is a 2002 horror film directed by Gore Verbinski, and is a remake of the Hideo Nakata film Ringu also known as The Ring. The opening scene of the film depicts two girls who are home alone and are sitting watching Tv, Katie (Amber Tamblyn) starts talking about the harmful magnetic waves that TV's produce, saying that the magnetic waves kill our brainwaves. Becca (Rachael Bella) then starts to talk about a videotape that is rumoured to kill you. She goes on to describe the tape in explicit detail, and reveals that after you've watched it, the phone will ring, and you'll be told by a young girls voiced that you have seven days left to live. As the camera shows a close-up of Katie's face, she reveals the set-up for the rest of the film: She watched the tape.

The opening scene of the ring uses many of the traditional horror cliches to enhance the opening of the film, for example, The teenage girls left home alone, and the more promiscous one telling some form of scary tale to the other. As Becca comes to the end of saying what happens on the tape, she reveals that you'll get a call on the phone. Which really doesn't come as any surprise. Then Katie reveals that her and her boyfriend had watched the type seven days earlier, meaning that she is going to die very soon. The film also uses the horror cliche of having actresses in their twenties play girls in high school. Along with the acting of the opening two minutes, it's rather cliche. The girls in the house home alone, a scary phone call, it makes it sound like the opening of a Scream movie. But what follows the opening two minutes is the complete opposite, an exploration of the supernatural and those who want revenge after they have passed on.

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