Monday 22 October 2012

Preliminary Task - Diary

-For part of our coursework, we have to record and present a preliminary task.
-We have included several different types of shot, including High Angle Shot, Extreme Close-Up, Close-Up, Over the Shoulder Shot and Match On Action.
-Our preliminary task is an awkward encounter. A girl's hand grips a door handle, and opens the door she then sits down at a table, a boy at the other end closes his book, places it on the table, and folds his arms. Then, we see both characters clasping their hands and placing them on the table in front of them at the same time. The girl says the word 'So.', as does the boy, and it then cuts to an extreme close-up of both pairs of eyes staring at the other. After this the boys makes his excuses and leaves, and after walking past the girl and exiting the room, we see the girl slam her head down on the table. Then, the lights changes, showing a time lapse, the boy enters and we see him pick up the book that he was reading at the start of the video, the girls waves her hand, showing that the awkward encounter has exhausted her.
-When the girl hits her head on the table, we show several shots of the impact, adding a comedic effect to the piece.
-When using the extreme close-up, it helped to show the tension of the characters, and who would end up breaking the silence first.
-My personal opinion is that we should have added more dialogue, but the task still worked with less dialogue, it helped the viewer to focus on the action on screen.
-It took us a whole sunday to film and edit our preliminary task, as we spent quite a lot of time planning and preparing it, as we wanted to make sure we turned in the best piece of work we could create.
-Overall, I am pleased with how our preliminary task turned out, with us using shot types in 
the best way possible. 

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