Monday 22 October 2012

Preliminary Task - Evaluation

Our preliminary task was well received, with other students in our class saying:
  • The camera work was steady, and it was well filmed.
  • The editing and sound were effective, and it flowed very well.
  • We used over the shoulder shots, and extreme close-ups effectively.
  • We stuck to the 180 degree rule.
  • Our shot reverse shot and match on action were effective.
  • Wide range of camera angles.
But, even though we did get good feedback, i couldn't help but feel that if we had used more dialogue during the task, it would have had a better feeling to it. I was pleased overall with the shooting of the footage, and I think that Hannah and Jasmine did a good job with keeping the camera steady. We edited using iMovie, and I think we created a good clean piece of film that moved steadily and flowed into the different shots effectively. The wide range of shots and camera angles we used helped to emphasise the situation that both characters were in. We used the 180 degree rule and stuck to it, filming from the same side throughout.

I think that out preliminary task was very effective, and we managed to apply everything we have been taught over the first term of our course., and hopefully our next piece of coursework will turn out just as well as this one.

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