Monday 10 December 2012

20th Century Fox.

20th Century Fox

20th Century Fox is a major film corporation based in America, It was founded in 1935 and has become one of the most renowned film corporations in the world. It is a subsidiary of News Corporation, which is owned by Ruper Murdoch.

Some of the most successful franchises created by 20th Century Fox are: Avatar, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Star Wars and The Chronicles of Narnia.

The majority of the films that 20th Century Fox create are Comedy of Family Friendly. Including: Doctor Do-Little, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Night at the Museum and Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

I think that 20th Century Fox would be a suitable studio to produce my film, as they have a long history of producing horror films, and although they are traditionally known for producing comedy/family friendly films, they have made several successful horror films.

20th Century Fox tend to distribute horror films rather than make them, which is why i think they will be a good corporation to distribute our horror.

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