Wednesday 27 February 2013


Research and Planning: Level 1 7/20
There is basic research into similar products
There is basic organisation of actors
There is a good level of care in the presentation of research and planning

To progress, you must update your blog. There is a lot missing:
Photos of your locations, costumes and props
Audience profiling posts examining who goes to see similar films to yours.
You MUST complete this as a matter of urgency

Thursday 14 February 2013

Music - Garage Band

When we create the music for our film, we are going to use the music software Garage Band. This software will help us to compose our won music, with the use of virtual instruments and non copyright track loops giving us the perfect way to create the tracks.
We don't want to use too many different sounds in our film, as that will take away from what is happening on screen. We hope to create an ambient feel to build suspense, such as the ones used in the Scream franchise, and Paranormal Activity.
The project type we will create our soundtrack under will be Songwriting, as we are composing a brand new piece of music to go with the film. We will then set the tempo, and start to decide what components we will be using to build the soundtrack, and try and set it up with the rest of the film.