Thursday 31 January 2013

Filming Practice "What are you doing here?"

We were given the task of taking three different shots in three different locations using the phrase "What are you doing here?".

Our first location was outside using a bench and a table, I said to Abbie "What are you doing here?" with Abbie walking into each of our shots, we also used two over the shoulder shots.

Our second location was in the library, with me hiding behind a display board and Abbie saying "What are you doing here? and me then disappearing back behind the board. Our next shot was a high angle shot of the same scenario. We then had a panning shot from Abbie to myself, and a close up shot of me hiding behind a bookshelf.

Our third location was a set of the stairs and we had the camera following abbie before she said "What are you doing here?" we also had me comning up behind her and whispering it in her ear.

We found this excercise helpful, as it helped us to think about the different camera angles we are going to use for our opening.

Wednesday 30 January 2013


Everyone in our group will be taking part in our Media, with me taking the lead role and Abbie playing the killer. Jasmine will be playing my family member, and Hannah will be another family member.

We will be using prosthetics (designed by Abbie) to show that Jasmine is dead.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Editing Software - iMovie

We've decided to edit our opening two minutes with iMovie as we all have experience with using the software. Our preliminary task was created using iMovie, and it worked succesfully with the footage we had. It can easily insert captions and opening credits as well, and we can apply music and effects very easily.


The camera we are going to use for filming is the Nikon D3100, the main reason is because the camera has a HD setting, which means our opening two minutes will look clearer, and will make for a more efficient film. With 14 Megapixel and 1080p HD we hope the camera will produce the same amount of good quality images that we used in our preliminary task.
The camera is easy to use, so everyone involved will be able to take part in the filming process. The camera comes with a remote, which means that all four of us can appear in the opening.